Community Foundation runs a number of projects and services covering each of our three work strands. To find out more about any of the projects, just click the relevant button below.
Supporting people to improve their lives by developing initiatives and projects
0121 312 0135
Quayside Tower-15th Floor
252-260 Broad Street
B1 2HF​
SORTED Youth Club Initiative
‘SORTED’ is a youth employment initiative of Community Foundation. The programme is aimed at 16-18 year old who are at risk or not in education, training or employment. The programme has five strands:
SORTED aimed to support young people to take control of their future, by fostering in them eagerness and desire to achieve in life; confidence to take responsibility for their learning and future career direction; acquire necessary skills to open doors to educational, training and employment opportunities and success.
Young people living in inner city areas experience many barriers that hinder or prevent them reaching their full potential. Issues such as truancy, and bullying during school life; teenage pregnancy and peer pressure; lack of positive role model; lack of support or encouragement from parents; drugs & substance misuse, are a few of the key challenges that some young people struggle with.
Barriers and Challenges for Young People
Community Foundation has a number of highly qualified and experienced staff who are able to provide one-one tailor made programmes based on the needs of an individual. We work closely with a number of agency, such as the police, Job Centre Plus, city council, youth service, Youth Offending Team, Drugs & Alcohol Team, faith & voluntary organisations.
Working in Partnership
Course Advice, Info & Guidance
Course finder
Enrolment Application Assistance
Access to Accredited Courses
Education Fairs & Taster Courses
Access to Accredited & Non Accredited training
Peer Training
Advice, Information & Guidance
Interview skills
CV Writing
ICT skills
Communication & Presentation
Leadership & Life Skills
Peer Motivation Programme
Self Esteem & Confidence building
Personal Development Residential
Group Workshops
Positive role models
Work Placement
Job search & Application
Career/Education/Training Guidance & Advice
Click here for our SORTED brochure
Aged 16-18
NEET (not in education, training or employment)
Potential NEET
Gain and develop skills
Undertake work experience
Build confidence
Improve communication
Meet and work with new people
Enhance chances of employability